Periodontal Gum Care
What is periodontal disease?
Periodontal disease or periodontitis is a bacterial infection involving the gums and bone that surround the teeth. It begins with sticky plaque that builds up at your gum line. If left untreated I can lead to teeth becoming loose and eventually falling out.
Periodontitis can can lead to chronic inflammation of your gums which can be painful and make your teeth sensitive.
Signs of Periodontal Disease
- Bad breath or taste that won’t go away
- Red swollen gums (Could be gingivitis instead, which is reversible)
- Tender or bleeding gums
- Painfull chewing
- Loose teeth
- Gums that have receded away from your teeth
How do we treat Periodontal Disease?
- An appointment with Christopher our in house Oral Health Therapist to diagnose and make a treatment plan suited to your needs
- In some cases collect measurements of your gums to accurately have look at the whole picture
- Radiographs may be required to see the extent of bone loss around your teeth and gums
- Periodontal cleaning sessions as required (Usually over a couple of sessions depending on severity)
- Oral health hygiene information to best look after your teeth and gums
Periodontal Treatment X-rays
Patient left side before periodontal cleaning
Notice how all the teeth have hard deposit bacteria buildup.
Patient right side after periodontal cleaning
Notice how all the teeth are clean with no bacteria buildup
Periodontal treatment using EMS
Belleview Dental uses the latest pain free technology to clean plaque and biofilm that lives under your gums.
Get in touch with our dental care team
Drop in at our clinic or click the link below to set up an appointment with our dental team.