Clenching & Grinding
Grinding and clenching is one of the most common issues our patients have been coming in with recently. It’s often stress and lifestyle related and in most cases can be quickly diagnosed and treated.
Signs and Symptoms
- Noticing clenching & grinding
- Aching teeth
- Sore jaw after waking up in the morning
- Headaches, sometimes including temple and surrounding structures
Night Guard/ Splint
A night splint is a custom made appliance used to cover the chewing surfaces of your teeth. Commonly it is worn at night when you go to bed. It relieves the stress on the temporomandibular joint.
In some cases night guards are used to protect the teeth from wearing down.
What is involved?
- Your dental practitioner will assess if you are clenching or grinding
- A 3D scan of your teeth is preformed
- Your 3D scan is sent to a dental laboratory who makes you custom night guard/ Splint
- Upon your return we fit the night guard/splint to make sure it fits correctly and is comfortable
Protect your teeth from clenching & grinding
Drop in at our clinic or click the link below to set up an appointment with our dental team.